The Nepali comedy video name is “Pani Puri” by Muna Thapa and Ganga Pun. You do not have to see the sour fruit hanging in the tree. Daily by cutting the body you became 40 kilos. You always eat Pani Puri, when I denied you not to eat sour and hot and through that that girl always say its paining because of gastric. I used to become uncontrolled in the lack of pani puri, with this I also like Chana Chatpate too. I will always eat these foods, every day I wanted to have the hot and sour. I will enjoy having those foods and I dont care whether the stomach pains or not. After sneaking out from home the girls have the business to have those foods, instead of it you may have the sugarcane juice. While going to shop you always demand for sugarcane juice but rather than that I love to have pani puri.