According to Police Headquarters, Nepal Police is currently facing severe shortage of resources and manpower as various groups carry out bandas across the country. Police officials informed the media that many police personnel are now deployed for 20 hours a day. The total strength of the police force stands at 60,130 but only half of the manpower is used for field duty while the rest are engaged in trainings, various UN missions and security for government offices and politicians.
Nepal Police spokesperson, DIG Binod Singh stated that police personnel were on duty for 16 hours a day during the bandas across the country. Nepal Police has urged the government to double the manpower to maintain law and order in the country. All police personnel were assigned 14 hours of duty and many exceeded 20 hours a day during bandas. The Police Headquarters has canceled all applications for sick leave and marriage leave until May 27.
The Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s Office (MPCO) has reported that police personnel in the capital were on duty for 20 hours a day due to frequent strikes in the capital. Police personnel were deployed from 3am to 11pm without alternate shifts during the 3-day banda carried out by NEFIN. The government has decided to provide Rs 200 additional allowance to deployed police personnel for overtime duty during bandas. The Police force also lacks basic facilities like mobile toilets and access to drinking water.